Why Pay More?

Yesterday, I decided to treat myself to a massage. After a long and hectic week, I purchased a 60 minute massage as a gift with a discounted rate of $30.

I was looking forward to receiving a very relaxed and rejuvenating massage by a knowledgeable and experienced Massage Therapist.

What I ended up receiving was practically a beating, uncomfortable and sore, I arrived to the shop which ended up being a nail salon with a make shift and uncomfortable massage table in what looked like a “broom” closet.  The old adage of getting what you pay for could not be truer with massage therapy.

I was told to remove my upper clothes but when I had asked them if I should take off more, as is normally customary during 60 minute, full body massage, the two therapist who roomed me stood there staring at me like I was speaking a foreign language.

After a minute, they said, yes of course, I also asked for a sheet because all they had on the table was towels, for her client to feel comfortable, I didn’t feel comfortable with just towels but the therapist grunted and gave me a sheet, as if it was a bothersome.

As I got ready and laid down on the very hard table, the “therapist” came back in and began to play music that was being constantly interrupted by commercials.

She proceeded to firmly punch down my back, pressing really hard on my shoulder blades and pinching my muscles. I started to fidget and ask her not to do so much percussion (punching) as it began hurting and was uncomfortable. However, she just kept doing it, ignoring my request and punching me even harder.

I really tried to relax and enjoy my massage but alas, no chance to relax was given to me and I was happy when it ended.

I am constantly asked, “Why don’t you charge more than $45 for your wonderful massages?” Let me tell you the story behind my decision to lower my prices.

Like many experienced therapist, I began charging $60 for a one hour massage. When I got contracted with Kaiser as one of their providers and I was told that I was supposed to charge $45 per 60 minute session.

One day I began to realize that if I’m willing to pay $45 for a massage, why not just charge my clients $45, during these tough financial times, I was right!

Some people think that if you’re not willing to pay $60-$90 for a professional massage, then you might not being getting a better quality of service. I find that great quality and great prices should be what my customers’ experience.

With my 1000+ hours and 30 years of experience, 400 hours of schooling and loving hands, I believe that I can give you the wonderful service and awesome massage, at a price that won’t break your wallet.

Book your appointment today at: www.celiashealingtouch.com