Have you ever considered giving your Mom or your Spouse a Massage for her Mother’s Day gift?
Whether we’d like to admit it or not, Mother’s Day is coming and gift buying is just around the corner.
That special person in your life works really hard, possibly having to deal with the daily grind of traffic, commuting, working 8 hours or more, just to do it all over again the next day? I’m sure that every once in a while, they think to themselves “I need a massage but who and where would I even find the massage therapist that I could trust and know is good at what they do?”
This is your chance to give one or more of your favorite people a truly relaxing and energizing massage and eliminate the feeling of the stress in their neck and between the shoulder blades. If they exercise on a daily basis, the feeling of the soreness in their legs and back can go away, for the incredibly inexpensive price of $45.
When most massage therapist are charging $60 or more for a massage you’re not sure will be good. You know, just how good you feel after receiving a massage from me, gift an hour to them and let them experience it for themselves.
If you know just how good you feel after receiving a massage from me, give an hour if the same feelings to your loved ones and let them experience for themselves for this awesome low price.
You may log online to my website to purchase at www.celiashealingtouch.com or call me at (408) 802-7740 to receive a formal Gift Certificate, I look forward to hearing from you.